Friday, November 20, 2015

Dynamo - Elk for DynamoBIM by Timothy Logan

I happened to be scrolling through the dynamo package manager and stumbled upon Timothy Logan's Elk Package for Dynamo. I've had some familiarity with Elk in the past with Grasshopper and in prior years of architecture school, and it's great package for integrating all your OSM and Topography data into Dynamo. Go download it on the package manager and give Timothy Logan some thanks for an excellent share! Truly another great example of how powerful the Dynamo community is!

Elk 1.0.0

Thank you to Timothy Logan for making Elk available to Dynamo users!

Here are his two videos for how to use the OSM data and Topographical data.

Elk for Dynamo - OSM from Timothy Logan on Vimeo.

Elk for Dynamo - Topography from Timothy Logan on Vimeo.

Some of the links referenced in the above videos:

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