Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Dynamo - Activate or Remove View Clipping Tool

This tool was created to automate our crop region visibility. Instead of clicking through each view, checking and unchecking boxes, I decided to create a script that would automate this process, and it increased my productivity ten fold. May be a simple enough tool, but if you're new to Dynamo it might be nice to compare different things you can use Dynamo for to ease your sheet preparation or everyday office tasks. I intend to share these as I explore new things!


  1. Well done on using Dynamo.
    I'm curious why you even bother when you could just toggle the "Hide Crop Boundaries" in Print Setup settings?
    If you toggle that, it doesn't matter if the crop is visible or not.

  2. Just exploring different ways to use Dynamo. There's always more than one way to do something, and since we've been on a Dynamo kick lately that was one of the things I wanted to explore. I agree that the options to "Hide Crop Boundaries" in Print Setup is far more efficient.
